The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag Yeliu

Taking the parents around the island

My mom and dad came to visit me this week. Since I’ve spent a fair amount of time driving them around the island to show them different sights, I consider it to be true to the spirit of landtravel. It started the very day they arrived, as me and Yini picked them up at the airport, but instead of taking them straight back, we stopped by at the lantern festival to let them marvel at the myriad lights. The next day we drove down to Lugang in central Taiwan and spent some time walking around in the picturesque old streets. … Read the rest

Yeliu 2:21 pm

I am standing under a cloudless sky, with nothing to give me shade near by, the sun makes me feel hot though I’m just standing still and my hat creates a band of sweat on my brow, but the surrounding landscape makes me forget my discomfort. Behind me a foliage clad cliff wall and in front of me a series of strange rock formations with the enchantingly blue – almost turquoise –  sea in the background. Somewhere closer to the sea, hidden from view by the jumble of odd rocks is a painted red line: when someone sets even one … Read the rest

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