The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag Underwater

The sea outside Baisha, 2:56 pm

The water is cold for a tropical island, just a few degrees above what’s acceptable for swimming. Big waves go rolling over the underwater cliffs, pushing me towards land with slow, deliberate force. The water is murky with sand stirred up by the waves, I can only see a few feet in front of me but that’s enough to explore the underwater cliff formations. The cliff below me is covered in a kelp forest, the long brownish green stems look like miniature firr trees that billow in the wind in an almost hypnotic fashion as the waves move them back … Read the rest

Koh Rong island, 3:07 pm

A large rock just beneath the surface of the water. It’s surface is encrusted with shells, down at the deep end, a forest of brownish green kelp and higher up, closer to the surface, a layer of fine, bright green seaweed waving in the current like grass in the breeze. Small, tiger striped fish keep flitting about, just inches above the rock, hiding in nooks and crannies. Every now and again a wave passes by, sending down a cascade of silver bubbles from the shimmering surface.… Read the rest

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