The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag tropical island

The Big Indochina Trip: island life in Koh Rong 

I haven’t seen the sea since leaving Cat ba island so when I read about white sand beaches in southern Cambodia I knew I had to go there. Thanks to a recommendation from some other travelers we set our sights on Koh Rong island. It took a full day to get there, first a bus to Sihanoukville then a speed boat ferry from there. The island is not very developed, save for the main boat pier, most of the hotels and restaurants are right on the beach. There is a kind of main area where the bars and restaurants are … Read the rest

Koh Rong island, 9:14 pm 

The soft whoosh of the breaking waves fills my ears. The sea in front to me is black save for the white foam that flows up the moist sand only to recede back into the darkness, a thin line that changes with each wave. To my is left a pier, lighted at intervals by street lamps like a chain of glowing, yellow orbs in the darkness, then further out the shape of an islet, jagged black against the almost imperceptibly lighter night sky. To my right, the beach, the normally pristine  white sand turned a dirty yellowish grey under the … Read the rest

Koh Rong island, 3:07 pm

A large rock just beneath the surface of the water. It’s surface is encrusted with shells, down at the deep end, a forest of brownish green kelp and higher up, closer to the surface, a layer of fine, bright green seaweed waving in the current like grass in the breeze. Small, tiger striped fish keep flitting about, just inches above the rock, hiding in nooks and crannies. Every now and again a wave passes by, sending down a cascade of silver bubbles from the shimmering surface.… Read the rest

Koh Rong island, 11:05 am

I’m on a giant red and blue rubber pillow filled with air. In front of me, the turquoise sea and in the distance, the green hills on the other side of the bay. Behind and above me a man counts to three, then there is a short delay before he hits the air bag with a ‘spat’ sound, and I launch into the air, flying high up then come splashing  down into the water.… Read the rest

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