On Thursday we had already shown Yinis parents most of the places we wanted to show, but we took a short drive to the meadows at the far end of the village, and just strolled around taking in the view and breathing in the fresh air. There is a special kind of enjoyment in these simple pleasures.
After some lunch in the sun, we packed up our stuff and took the train north to my old hometown Göteborg. We found our hotel, an old ship that had been converted into living quarters, then went downtown to meet up my friends … Read the rest
Three empty seats across from me, two to the right. The seats are covered in a dreary blue cloth and the walls of my compartment are clinically grey. Outside the open compartment doors is an empty corridor and to my right, my white and orange jacket in front of the black window. It dangles back and forth with the trains motion, gadunk, gadunk, gadunk. This train reminds me of the Trans Siberian railway but not in a good way, rather in all the ways it is lacking. The compartments in those old Russian trains were more lively and more colorful. … Read the rest
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