For the last two months I have been on a business trip in southern Germany and Switzerland. I am finally back in Taiwan and I felt i should make a small post about it. Naturally I spent most of the time working but I had some chances to go travel in the area during the weekends. The places I went to were mostly just small German or Swiss towns and there’s really not much to tell expect showing the photos.
I’m sweating despite the early autumn chill, my heat is thumping in my chest and my breathing is labored. I’m running on a small path along the river, everything is damp from the rain, my steps squelch in the mud. To my right a single row of trees and beyond that the dim turquoise waters of the Rhein, ever flowing past me in the opposite direction. To my left a field of corn, the green stalks rising up to meet the milky sky that covers everything in the distance. I look up for a moment to see a mountain rising … Read the rest
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