The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag Pain

Expressway No. 61, 5:59 pm

It's not a proper thunder shower yet, but the rain is still pretty heavy, big drops pelting me as I go along. Speed always amplifies the force of the drops, normally it starts to feel painful when you go above 60 kph and now I'm already doing a little over 90; every single drop hitting my chest or legs stings like a bullet from a BB gun - it's like riding through a barrage of machine gun fire. As if the pain wasn't enough, the thin rain jacket is woefully inadequate, I can feel myself becoming wetter with every second. For whatever reason - maybe it's because I've recently been reading a Finnish World War 2 novel -  I react to the deep feeling of misery by repeatedly swearing in Finnish: Saatana Perkele, Saatana Perkele

NTU hospital, 1:04 pm

I’m half sitting in my hospital bed, not much to do except letting my eyes wander about the room. To the right, the peach colored curtain separating me from the next bed, to the left the leather clad visitor chair and the light switches on the wall marked A and B. The ceiling above with the four fluorescent tubes casting their sterile light over the room, next to it the grating covering the ventilation, the smoke detector off to the side, and the rail for the curtain running like railroad tracks through the landscape. My main companion, the cream colored … Read the rest

Heidi hay tattoo 1:06 pm

All I can see is a white wall with a poster on it, or alternatively the backside of a chest of drawers. There is a dull pain, kind of like that of being pinched, near my hip. After a few short moments the pain stops then comes back again,  coming in irregular intervals. Some times it is more acute, and it even gets so bad that I grind my teeth and clench my fists in anguish. I have to lie on my side in this dentists type chair staring at the wall and maybe the back of the artist next … Read the rest

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