It so happens that me and my girlfriend Yini got married a little while go. Not to squander the precious wedding leave the companies give us (almost two weeks added on top of the annual leave), we decided our honeymoon should be some place we wouldn’t normally go. So, in a few hours, we will fly off to Iceland, and it will be a real land travel vacation. We have booked a couple of hotels, we have a rental car, and we have the ring road round the circumference of The Land of Ice and Fire. Both me and Renegade … Read the rest
Today I and my girlfriend embarked on the first land travel trip. Apparently my girlfriend doesn’t share the same romantic notions of traveling on land that I have, neither does she share the notion of dreariness and cruel sterility of airplanes that I have. So, when we were planing the trip she insisted on flying, and having a low budget we opted for Ryanair; or Greedy Bastard Airlines as I shall henceforth call them.
So, ungodly early this morning we got up and went to the airport in Göteborg, from there we flew to Kaunas in Lithuania – immediately breaking … Read the rest
Before telling my avid readers (none?) about my travels, I will dedicate one post to describing the concept of land travel that i am trying to embody in this blog. I realize in writing this, that I might want to put it the About section for the blog but in the famous words of the poet Twetman “Screw it”. Anyway, I must not let myself be distracted and let the readers suffer for it, on to the concept.
I have always traveled a lot, probably one or two trips outside the country per year ever since I was young. For … Read the rest
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