The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag Fictionalizing the news

Fictionalizing the News No 4.: The Trump Letter

They were serious men who gathered around the conference table that morning, all dark suits and no-nonsense facial expressions. At the head of the table was John Bellinger, a former State Department legal adviser under Condoleezza Rice. A number of other prominent men were spread around the table, among them Michael Hayden, former director of both CIA and NSA, previous Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and former Homeland Security secretaries Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff. ...continue reading

Fictionalizing the News No.3: The Police Shooting

Wade Irwin stepped into the police cruiser and set the two mugs of coffee down in the cup holders. Jonathan DeGuzman pulled out from the curb then reached for his cup and took a sip. “Jeezus Christ Irwin what did you get me? It tastes like sugar and fucking battery acid.” “You asked for a surprise so I ordered the gayest sounding thing they had on the menu” his partner replied. “God damn it” continued DeGuzman “this shit is undrinkable, next time just get me a cup of plain black coffee.” Irwin frowned “Pfft, next time, you get the coffee.” Continue reading...

Fictionalizing the News No.2: Death on the Mediterranean

It was a warm sunny day, not a cloud in the clear blue sky and sea an inviting turquoise, the light glinting off the tops of the waves. Under normal circumstances it would be perfect for a day at the beach, normal circumstances however, had gone out the window five years ago. Continue reading...

Fictionalizing the News No. 1: Train Station Knife Attack

Herbert Kochler was at the station shortly before five in the morning. It was still dark outside but getting imperceptibly lighter, the temperature a few degrees above freezing, cool and crisp. He was headed to München, just like every other morning for the past fourteen years, only today he was two hours earlier than normal because he had a phone conference with clients in Beijing at six. The station was nearly deserted except for two other travelers, an older lady carrying a large shopping bag marked Lidl, and a young man in a dark hoodie restlessly pacing back and forth along a section of the platform. Herbert payed him no mind, instead he rubbed the sleep from his eyes then looked down at his phone to pass the time. Continue reading...

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