The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag Eastern Europe

Dubrovnik old town

I can say right from the get-go that Dubrovnik is both wonderful and horrible at the same time. Don’t get me wrong, the place is lovely, anyone with even the slightest interest in old architecture, castles, churches and the like ( I believe that covers some 80 percent of the human race) will love the city. What is less nice is the multitude of people visiting the city during the summer, there are people simply everywhere and you can never get some peace and quiet. I guess it’s better to be here in May or September. Now that that’s sorted … Read the rest

Around Vis island

Today was an amazing day; we visited many places, saw many things and had lots of fun. We started off by renting a scooter from a friendly little place nearby our accommodation. We rode off to find some brunch but alas there was none to be had on the road we took. We did however find a sight well worth exploring. A small path led us past an abandoned house up on the cliffs overlooking the sea. There we found a set of stairs leading down into a small bunker with some slits for rifles.

The view from one of
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Vis town and bay

After a pleasant ferry trip across azure waters and past lush islands, we arrived on Vis in the small town with the same name.

View of the archipelago from the ferry

We walked around randomly for a while until a man who did not speak English offered us a room. I admit I was suspicious at first but it turned out to be alright. Dumping our things we headed down to a nearby slipway into the water so I could finally go for a swim. It felt wonderful.

Finally going for a swim

With evening approaching we did a bit … Read the rest

To the islands.

Compared to the mild temperatures and overcast skies of the last two days, today is absolutely blazing hot. We haven’t really done much today except buy some boat tickets and stroll around basking in the sun. At the moment I am sitting on the ferry to Vis, a small island off the coast, waiting for the boat to leave harbor.

So, let me recap some of the things we did yesterday that I didn’t have time to write about in my previous post. The bus from Zagreb took about five hours including a short lunch break and brought usĀ  from … Read the rest

Split and the Romans

Yesterday we took a long distance bus to the coastal town Split. We got some really good views along the way from the bus and I tried to describe it all as a Frozen Moment.

When we got there we found a hotel by just walking around randomly then set about exploring the main attraction: Diocletian’s palace. I tried to take picture but it was hard to show it in a good light so once again I ended up freezing the moment.

Diocletian’s Palace from the outside with lots of shops and restaurants
The square inside Diocletian’s Palace

Split Read the rest

On the ground in Zagreb

Due to time constraints, I have once again been forced to bend (my own, arbitrary) rules for land travel. Leaving home around 10 in the morning, Yini and I took a plane from Copenhagen down to the capital city of Croatia, Zagreb.  Since we did not want to rush (and spend our vacation stressed out)  we decided to stay here for the night.

Having found our hostel we took a tram (without knowing how to pay) to the train station and from there took a stroll through a long, stretched out park full of grandiose buildings, fountains and statues. Some … Read the rest

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