The collected writings of a Renegade Tourist

Tag Driving in fog

In The Mist, 12:57 pm

After a number of switchbacks the road straightens up and in the distance ahead of us is a wall of mist. Along both sides of the road are cherry trees, their bright  pink flowers clearly visible through the fog, the ground underneath scattered with petals. We take one last look at the cherry trees then plunge into the mist... A few minutes later we enter a tunnel that looks like something from a horror movie, all dark and gloomy with nothing but a milky white unknown at the other end. As we exist the tunnel the fog magically lifts and the world opens up in front of us.  The road dips downwards again and starts winding it's way towards the bottom of the valley. On the other side the green hills rise up toward a sea of clouds, misty waves lapping the hill hilltop shores, and in the far distance a row of jagged blue peaks, faint against the sky. It only lasts for a few moments before the fog comes rolling in and shrouds our world in white once more.

Hehuanshan pass, 5:51 pm

We are driving on a narrow, winding road high in the central Taiwan mountains when the mist around us suddenly becomes thicker. Visibility immediately decreases to just a few meters, it’s like driving through milk. Then, out of the fog, looms the lights of a truck barring down on us. I swerve to the side and it passes by us with space to spare but it’s a heart stopping moment. Driving on this kind of road, in the dark, through thick fog is no child’s play.… Read the rest

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