It’s drizzling, not very heavily, but enough to make the world damp: a steady layer of water on the road surface that soaks through my shoes when I set my feet down; drops all over my clothes that collect in little puddles in the folds of my jacket, and spray coming off the wheels of passing cars. As soon as the needle of the speedometer indicates more than 40, the droplets hitting my face feel like a sand blaster, and the chill of the air is quickly transferred to my bare hands. General all around misery! But there is one … Read the rest
Here I go with the sunset images again, but it seems to be the only beauty in an otherwise grey existence. As I cross the river it is not a conventionally beautiful naturescape that serves as a background for the multicoloured sky, but the industrial outline of an old harbour city. A few old-time ships, permanently docked along the riverbank serve as a spice to the area’s main ingredients of old factories, warehouses and newly built office complexes. Above it all rises the big cranes of the wharfs and dry docks as black silhouetts against the blazing orange of the … Read the rest
I look up from my computer for a minute and notice I need to switch on the light as the room is getting dark, then, as I turn in my chair reaching for the light switch I happen to glance out the window. From the low position in my chair the boring blocks of flats just outside are hidden by the window frame and all I see are the forest clad hills and the sky. Speckled with houses the hill is surprisingly green despite the spring not having reached my city, and the sky is a light blue with a … Read the rest
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