The fog envelopes the city like a heavy blanket and blurs all edges. A short distance away the surrounding buildings disappear in the murk. There is a halo around the moon and around the streetlights and in the closest light droplets can be seen swirling like smoke. The faint swosh of a car comes towards me and I can see the beams of light sweeping the ground in front of it. Thursday night, no one is out and about except me, everything is dampenedd by the mist. Were it not for my infected eye this would actually be very enjoyable … Read the rest
The afternoon sky is a clear baby blue and a happy sun shines down on the denizens of the neighbourhood. I am walking with a brisk step in the rather chilly April air. Residential houses and small restaurants flow passed me as I walk. Even though the fine weather is making me cheerful it is all the same as yesterday and the day before and every other day. Only one thing is worthy of note: all the people sitting at tables out on the curb; just because this is one of the first really sunny spring days. It’s a phenomenon … Read the rest
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